I know it’s only Day 3 but I already have some insight about this challenge. I’ve been reading some posts on the different words and I love how different we take the words. For example on Monday we wrote on the word “CALLING.” I wrote about how we’re all called to different things in life. Whether it be vocation wise – wife/mother, marriage, priest/pastor or job wise a teacher vs an accountant. Where Kate our awesome host wrote about calling people on the telephone.
Today’s 31 Days of Free Writes word is CAPTURE.
There are so many ways to take this word. I could talk about how pirates captured me one night and took me away to Neverland. Oh wait that story has already been told….
The first thing that came to mind when I thought of the word CAPTURE was photography. How everyday we try and “capture” the special moments we want to remember and share. Last year I did a Photo365 Challenge. I took a picture everyday of something somewhat interesting. I used the Photo 365 App and at the end of every month I created a collage of all my photos. At some times the challenge was really fun aka days when I did really interesting and fun things. Other days when I didn’t do much because the weather was bad or I had a long day at work it was a lot harder to “capture” a great image.
When I first learned about the challenge I was sent to a website called photo 365 where people will share there challenges and images. They also have a message board where people ask different questions. On one thread someone asked “Why do you do this?/What is the point?” because honestly I was thinking the same thing.
People answered with similar responses but one person wrote they do it to force them to go out and see the world. If she didn’t need a cool picture for her challenge she’d just stay home and watch TV but because of the challenge she makes a point to go on walks, visit parks, go on hikes, or visit other places in her city she’d never think to visit.
I can say the year I did it somedays the photos were lame pictures of the floor or an abstract at home picture. But other days I did go out of my way to go outside or to a park or somewhere else to take an interesting photo. I didn’t do it this year because I needed a break but maybe I’ll do it again next year.
Have you ever done a Photo A Day Challenge? Was it fun or way too much work? Let me know in the comments!
The post Day 3 – CAPTURE appeared first on Beth Anne's Best.